But First... Café!

Chiapas, Travel -

But First... Café!

Our first trip was to CDMX. We flew into the big city to meet our contacts. Our dear friends technician Angel Valera and engineer Juan González. Juan and I met a few years ago and he's been working with Farmers in the sierras of Puebla for a number of years. With this knowledge skills he is been helping many coffee growers with technical support to insure the best results for their crops. 

Next morning we hit the road and start our 2 ½  hour drive into the beautiful sierras of Puebla.

The Scenery is just breath taking, the mountains full of different trees and wild  coffee plants everywhere. It’s a clear and humble reminder why we love and appreciate the farmers that work and take care of those lands, so we can have food in our table.

We arrive at Polos Finca to meet the man responsible for 6 fincas. Polo, grows mainly coffee as well as vegetables and legumes for self consumption. He and his family work the land and raise a few animals like chickens and a few goats and pigs. They are natives of the land and speak Totonacu (local dialect) as well as Spanish. 

He gives us the tour of the properties where he grows his coffee. He shows  us one of the problems that his crops are currently facing is Roya. It's a type of fungi that attacks the coffee levees and stops photosynthesis and stops the cherry from developing.

We’ve teamed up with agronomy engineer Juan González to support Farmers like Polo in the purchase of  materials to fight roya and to the plant trees necessary to provide shade and help  future coffee plants grow.

Polo uses  his rooftop to process his coffee. His son Kevin also plays an important part in the honey and natural process coffees from his farm.

This first trip has been a magical experience. We are so thankful and honor that Polo and his family open their home to us and share not only their knowledge but a delicious meal at the Sierra. For that and more we are grateful.

Until next cup...
